Generate your own electricity and save up to 70% on your energy bills. With solar panels, you can even sell excess electricity back to the grid, creating a more sustainable home while reducing your long-term costs.
Capture sunlight to generate renewable energy for your home.
Store excess solar energy for use later, even when the sun isn’t shining.
Convert solar energy into usable power and optimise panel performance.
Our process starts with a detailed assessment by an SEAI-registered Technical Advisor. We then create a bespoke solution tailored to your home and budget. Once you approve the quote, we handle everything—from project management to grant applications. When complete, your home will enjoy a higher BER rating, greater comfort, and increased value.
Solar PV, or Photovoltaic, is a technology that converts sunlight directly into electricity using solar panels made of semiconductor materials.
towards the cost of a One Stop Shop upgrade solution. There are also generous SEAI grants available for individual energy upgrades.
Check your grants