We Meet The Industries Highest Standards

Churchfield Home Services applies an integrated Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental (QHSE) management system that is designed to maintain and continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisations performance.

The management and staff of Churchfield Home Services continually endeavour to improve the quality of the services and products delivery to Customers, the Health and Safety of all affected by our activities, and the impact the company has on the environment. Customer feedback and regulatory controls are at the core of this approach.


NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) is Ireland’s official standards body. NSAI are the national certification authority for CE Marking and provides certification services to enable businesses to demonstrate that Irish goods and services conform to applicable standards.

sustainable energy authority of ireland

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland was established as Ireland’s national energy authority under the Sustainable Energy Act 2002. The SEAI work with householders, businesses, communities, and the government to create a cleaner energy future.

Registered, rgi, gas installer

R.G.I.I. is a wholly owned subsidiary of R.E.C.I. and is responsible for registering gas installers and regulating their activities with respect to safety. Since 2006, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) has worked with the gas industry.


OFTEC is the Oil Firing Technical Association. Representing the oil heating and cooking industry in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. OFTEC establishes the standards for competence within the domestic oil heating and cooking industry.

Registered, rgi, gas installer

NISO helps it's members to promote and improve health and safety at work, builds relationships with other health and safety stakeholders, and contributes it's expertise to better occupational health and safety in Ireland.

Highest Quality. Guaranteed

Highest Quality. Guaranteed

Quality assurance is key to everything we do. We audit 100% of our installations to ensure our quality standards are adhered to at all times.

We are committed to continually improving every aspect of how we deliver our services so that we can best serve our customers, and future customers. And remain ahead of our competition.

All our customers receive a detailed copy of warranties within 14 days of an installation being completed.

Our high standard of quality is maintained using Q-Smart Quality Management System. Q-Smart is a state of the art technology with a comprehensive suite of support services providing our surveyors with complete traceability from the first call to our final inspection.

Take Your First Step

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Free, No-Obligation
Consultation Today!

  • We will provide:
  • An Accurate, No-Obligation Quotation
  • Details of SEAI Grants Available
  • Details of Low-Cost Finance
  • FREE Expert Consultation

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